Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Audience Feedback - Miss G

Audience Feedback.

1. Why is audience feedback essential to carry out?
2. Where did you screen your production?
3. How did youtube help?
4. What feedback did you receive?
5. Reflection

1. Audience feedback is a response/reaction given from your audience to a product. My product was a thriller opening and the target audience for this were ages 15+, so i had received my feedback from this particular target audience. It was essential for me to receive an audience feedback as the comments and responses would help me depending on for example if the feedback given to me were disadvantages of my opening this would then help me as i would learn from the mistakes i had made and it would help me gain understanding on what i will need to improve on in the future if i will be making another thriller opening later on in life. Also, if the feedback that i have received were advantages on my product this would then be a benefit to me as i will know i am on the right track.

2. We had screened our production round various places. For our beginning scene where our killer was in his office we had screened this at my house in a bedroom, this was convenient for our thriller opening as the low key lighting in the bedroom helped portray a mysterious atmosphere. Another location for where we had screened our main important scene was at a local forest, we had chosen to shoot this scene at a forest as we feel that this best suited our narrative.

3. I think that Youtube has helped us allot. We had first uploaded our preliminary task on YouTube and from there we had received allot of feedback, not just from the comments on YouTube but we also had people approaching us giving us compliments and their own opinion on how they felt about the task. From these comments and feedback given, we had taken them into account when creating our thriller opening. For example, a user had commented on YouTube and had mentioned that there were many camera angles we could have used to improve the video, and also to attract the audience's attention; we had then used many different camera angles in our thriller opening and as a group we had concluded that the different camera angles used were a huge benefit to our thriller.

4. The feedback that we had received are given below:
"I did not feel as if I was engaging with the scene as much as there was lack of action"
" Many shot were lacking continuity. "
"The panning shot used towards the end really made me place myself in the victims position, it was very nerve wracking to watch, i loved it." 
"I can't lie and say that my mouth did not drop with shock"

5.Reflecting back on our thriller opening, my group and I feel as though it turned out to be quite successful seeing as we used a majority of thriller codes and conventions. It seems as though all the hours and hard work we put into our filming was worth it seeing as the target audience we showed our thriller opening to enjoyed it. However if my group and I were asked to create another project I think the making of it would run much smoother seeing as we have had previous experience and also seeing as we now know what we need to change and improve to make it better it would run more fluently.  

Group Meetings - Miss G

Saturday, 5 January 2013

What is a thriller? - Miss G

What is a thriller film?

Thriller is a broad genre of literature, film, and television programming that uses suspense, tension and excitement as the main elements Thrillers heavily stimulate the viewer's moods giving them a high level of anticipation, ultra-heightened expectation, uncertainty, surprise, anxiety and/or terror. Thriller films tend to be adrenaline-rushing, gritty, rousing and fast-paced. Literary devices such as red herrings, plot twists and cliff hangers are used extensively. A thriller is a villain-driven plot, whereby he or she presents obstacles that the protagonist must overcome.

( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thriller_%28genre%29 ) 

There are many types of thriller films such as:

Action thriller
This type of thriller film involves a race against the clock. It has a lot of violence, as well as an obvious antagonist.

Crime thriller
It is a hybrid of crime films and thriller, offering a suspenseful account of a successful or failed crime (or crimes).

Disaster thriller
The main conflict is between a set of characters against natural or artificial disaster such as floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, meteor collisions, and nuclear disasters among others.

Drama thriller
The story consists of thriller elements intertwined with drama. Compared to thriller films, this sub-genre is comparatively slower in pacing and involves a tremendous deal on the character development and plot twists.

Erotic thriller
It is a combination of erotica (sexually-arousing depictions) and thriller, which has become popular since the 1980s and the rise of VCR market.

Horror thriller
The conflict between the main characters is mental, emotional, and physical.

Political thriller
The hero must ensure the stability of the government that employs him.

Psychological thriller
The conflict between the main characters, until the often violent resolution, is mental and emotional instead of physical.

Supernatural thriller
The conflict is between main characters, one of whom has supernatural powers.

( http://www.guideto.com/art-entertainment/movie-tv/film-genres/type-of-thriller-movie.html )

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Own Credit ideas - Miss H

Our Thriler opening credit Ideas 
1) The name of the producing company.
As our producing company is 'Dark Arts', we will be opening our credits with the production company's name, we will use the effect of blurring into the credits to create a slippery effect.
2) The Movie title.
We will then have our Movie titles name which is 'Twisted Eye' sliding into the opening credits but innfront of the image being played.

3) The producers.
The producers are the people who have produced the film, and for us the producers are 'Ayesha, Dipika & Lauren'.

4) The actors.
We will then have the main people starring in the movie which are: 'Dipika & Lauren'

5) Actors Feauturing.
Followed by the actors featuring: 'Ayesha Ali'

6) Casting by.
The casters will be Lauren Vale.
7)Music Composed by.
Music composers which was 'Ayesha Ali'
 8) The Production Designer.
 Production designer which includes:
- Set Design
- Costumes - Hairdresser - Make-up Artist - Sound Recording - Visual Effects Director
9) The Editors
The members who edit and finalise the move: Ayesha Ali, Lauren Vale & Dipika Sharma.
10) Sound Technicians
The members who were in control of the sound : Ayesha Ali & Dipika Sharma. 

Se7en Opening credits Analysis - Miss H

Se7en (Opening Credits) Analysis

Se7en is a brilliant example of a hugely successful thriller which has all the essential conventions a thriller needs, in order to be successful.

It throws you right into the action with the title sequence. The titles themselves flash and twitch in and out of the screen and have a font type which makes them look handwritten. I think this effect has been used to make it look more childlike and reflect the simple mind of the unknown protagonist.

Camera angles are effectively used in this opening. They don’t use any wide shots or mid shots which could possibly reveal the killer – by keeping the mystery of who the person is, it intrigues the audience and makes them want to carry on watching. The use of both close up shots and extreme close up shots ensures we focus on the important and disturbing aspects of the scene. This builds up intrigue within the viewer. The editing of these clips is very fast-paced and uses lots of transitions and effects. This is to give the impression of chaos and that his state of mind is disjointed like the imagery shown.

Mise-en-scene is quite important in this opening scene as it gives you a real glimpse of how the plot line will progress. This is the first time we get to see the killer and gives us key clues as to what he is going to do, his type of personality and who he is. The opening credits shows the man carrying out actions like, writing, developing photos, reading etc. This suggests that he is planning something thoroughly and from the way it is presented it implies that it is something bad. These images are surrounded by lots of black, which darkens the whole atmosphere implying that it is sinister. The colours used in these clips are very bland and no vibrant colours have been used. It almost looks as though a sepia affect has been applied onto the clips. The only bright colour to be shown throughout the opening credits is red. This may be to represent blood and ultimately death. 

 One of the more graphic scenes shows the man slicing off his fingertips. This suggests that he is going to commit a crime and doesn’t want to leave any evidence behind. It is not too much of a gory image, but it is very horrific which makes the audience feel much more tension. By cutting off his skin it indicates that he is very committed to what he does. He is willing to put himself through pain just to carry out these acts of crime. It also suggests that he is experienced as it is seems planned and that this is not just a one off killing. This keeps the viewers attention as they want to know what he is going to do next.
All the aspects throughout the short introduction illustrate it as very disturbing and horrific. This gets the audience right into the action and shows them immediately what the plotline and film is going to be like.

The music used is a remix by Nine Inch Nails called ‘Closer’. This sound has a gritty effect, and again sounds quite dysfunctional again to reflect the killer’s mindset. This builds up suspense and tension within the audience as the intensity of the music builds throughout the scene.

This is a successful thriller, because it uses all of the conventions which keep an audience interested and excited to see more.

Friday, 30 November 2012

Film Schedule - Miss G

Film Schedule.

We had planned and created a film schedule to help us plan out our days of filming, this helped us structure when and where to film. Our film schedule was a huge advantage to us as a group as we would relate to the film schedule to ensure we have not missed out any shots, scenes, or narratives etc.

Opening scene narration. Miss G

Opening Scene Narration

1) The beginning of our opening will be in our stalkers office which is an unknown location but the audience will get the idea that the location has got something to do with the stalker. For our opening scene we decided to started off using fast editing. We are going to do a number of camera shots such as mid shots, low shots, close-up, high angle etc, showing the stalker either burning pictures of his victim or writing about what he is going to do to her. This is conventional because straight away it introduces the character highlighting to the audience he is a stalker. They will be able to see this through the use of colours and costume, diegetic sound will be heard from the audience but not strongly as this is a very quiet scene where there are no movements nor actions from the characters or objects within the scene, we have chosen this as we believe the silent-less will help cause tension within the audience. We have chosen for the stalker to wear black in order for the audience to visualize the characters inner darkness. The back light will help separate the subject from the background, the angle for this back light will be towards the lens from above and behind the subject (stalker), now that this scene is finished, we will move onto the next scene by editing it using the wipe cut effect.

In detail the costume for the stalker is a black hoody, leggings, gloves and black boots. This is conventional because the colour black connotes death which gives the audience a sense of foreboding. We have used low key lighting to help create a shadow which is conventional to a thriller as it represents the inner darkness of the stalker, this creates tension between the audience as they can sense that this character has not got a good vibe and it leaves the audience questioning who this character is. The Diegetic sound will help contribute to the atmosphere making the audience even more anxious, the diegetic sound will be playing along with the movements of the scene to create the realism.
We decided to use a dark abandoned room because when the girl wakes up it helps create an enigma to our story line. It hides the details of the surrounding making the victim and audience unaware of where abouts she isThe camera will zoom into a close up of the victims face (Dipika) to focus attention on the the victims expressions to illustrate her fear.
In this scene dipika will be wearing normal casual clothes, but her shirt she is wearing is white, we have chosen this as the colour white is conventional to a thriller movie as it symbolizes innocence, in our thriller opening Dipika is innocent. Dipika's hair & make up for this scene will be very messy as if she had just been isolated in a room for 24 hours, we have also used mascara and have applied wet tissues to the mascara on Dipika to make the audience think that Dipika is crying, this is conventional to a thriller movie as this will create a relationship with the audience and the victim as Dipika's facial expressions will help build sympathy and emotion, the mid-low camera angle will help annotate this, along with the parallel sound which will help compliment the image.
The colour used in this scene is very minimum as we are trying to show the victim trapped in a room, we have used low key lighting but a torch in the back to help us create a shadow of the victim. This lighting is conventional to a thriller as it connotes that the victim is trapped in a small dark room, it enables the audience to help understand the narrative.
The iconography used in this scene is ropes and duck tape, we have used the ropes to tie the victim up and the duck tape to stop Dipika from talking, this is conventional to a thriller as the audience is aware that the vicitm is tied up and is in pain and the audience can undertake the emotions the victim is going through.

Continuing the analysis from this scene, we have positioned the victim tied up laying on the floor as she has just been kidnapped from the stalker. This is conventional to a thriller as the camera angle is on the floor showing a close up of the victim, this shows that the character lying on the floor is a victim. We will zoom out of the victim to show the audience the surrounding of the room. We will first zoom into Dipika's face so the audience thinks that the face is a normal ordinary character who is sleeping, but as the camera zooms out, the audience are shocked to see that the character is actually tied up.

3)The final scene will be a flashback showing dipika walking home through the forest. We are going to use angles such as long shots to show her walking with the stalker standing behind her. We will use the location of the forest because it is conventional to the thriller genre. It highlights to the audience that it is an isolated setting and no one would be able to hear her scream. The time we will film it, it will begin to get dark which is conventional to the thriller genre because it creates a mysterious atmosphere. We will use diegetic sound such as the twig snapping to get victim to look behind her. She notices the stalker standing there and the audience can clearly see this through our shot-reverse-shot we have used. We have also used the panning movement to show Dipika turning her head side to side to see if anyone is there. Dipika then screams and starts running. We are going to make this particular scene effective by using a tracking movement to show Dipika running away from the stalker. This camera movement is effective because it makes it appear chaotic and unsettling. The non-diegetic sound will be fast at this point to help contribute to the tense atmosphere. The final camera shot is a close up on the victims face and the stalkers hand over her mouth. It is then going to fade to black and goes back to the scene where the victim wakes up in the black room. The camera shot will zoom back out of her eye and leave on her hearing the stalker walk towards the door.