Thursday, 3 January 2013

Own Credit ideas - Miss H

Our Thriler opening credit Ideas 
1) The name of the producing company.
As our producing company is 'Dark Arts', we will be opening our credits with the production company's name, we will use the effect of blurring into the credits to create a slippery effect.
2) The Movie title.
We will then have our Movie titles name which is 'Twisted Eye' sliding into the opening credits but innfront of the image being played.

3) The producers.
The producers are the people who have produced the film, and for us the producers are 'Ayesha, Dipika & Lauren'.

4) The actors.
We will then have the main people starring in the movie which are: 'Dipika & Lauren'

5) Actors Feauturing.
Followed by the actors featuring: 'Ayesha Ali'

6) Casting by.
The casters will be Lauren Vale.
7)Music Composed by.
Music composers which was 'Ayesha Ali'
 8) The Production Designer.
 Production designer which includes:
- Set Design
- Costumes - Hairdresser - Make-up Artist - Sound Recording - Visual Effects Director
9) The Editors
The members who edit and finalise the move: Ayesha Ali, Lauren Vale & Dipika Sharma.
10) Sound Technicians
The members who were in control of the sound : Ayesha Ali & Dipika Sharma. 

1 comment:

  1. Well done Ayesha, some interesting choices and justifications which demonstrate your creative ideas and understanding of thriller conventions.
