Friday, 30 November 2012

Planning Mise En Scene - Miss G

Planning Mise En Scene.

 Opening scene Mise En Scene
The setting: for where the beginning of our opening will be in our stalkers office which is an unknown location but the audience will get the idea that the location has got something to do with the stalker. 
In the opening scene we have used low key lighting to help create a shadow which is conventional to a thriller as it represents the inner darkness of the stalker, this creates tension between the audience as they can sense that this character has not got a good vibe and it leaves the audience questioning who this character is. 
The iconography: used in the opening scene is match sticks as we believe that the fire affect created helps emphasize that the stalker isn't a safe character as his tools are all related to death/harm in some way.  We decided to use low-key lighting in our thriller because it is easy to create shadows which keeps the audience in suspense. It also helps conceal the identity of the stalker which keeps the enigma of who is it.  
Costume, hair and make up: The stalker will wear a black hoody to highlight to the audience the character they play. This is conventional because the colour black connotes bad and death. To show the audience which character is the victim she is going to wear a item of white. This connotes her innocence highlighting that she is the victim in the situation

The middle of the opening

Settings:  We decided to use a dark abandoned room because when the girl wakes up it helps create an enigma to our story line. It hides the details of the surrounding making the victim and audience unaware of where abouts she is.  
Iconography: the iconography used in this scene is ropes and duck tape, we have used the ropes to tie the victim up and the duck tape to stop Dipika from talking, this is conventional to a thriller as the audience is aware that the vicitm is tied up and is in pain and the audience can undertake the emotions the victim is going through.
 Costume, hair and make up:
In this scene dipika will be wearing normal casual clothes, but her shirt she is wearing is white, we have chosen this as the colour white is conventional to a thriller movie as it symbolizes innocence, in our thriller opening Dipika is innocent. Dipika's hair for this scene will be very messy as if she had just been isolated in a room for 24 hours, we have also used mascara and have applied wet tissues to the mascara on Dipika to make the audience think that Dipika is crying, this is conventional to a thriller movie as this will create a relationship with the audience and the victim as Dipika's facial expressions will help build sympathy and emotion.
Lighting and colour: The colour used in this scene is very minimum as we are trying to show the victim trapped in a room, we have used low key lighting but a torch in the back to help us create a shadow of the victim. This lighting is conventional to a thriller as it connotes that the victim is trapped in a small dark room, it enables the audience to help understand the narrative.

 Positioning of characters/objects within the frame.
Contingent the analysis from this scene, we have positioned the victim tied up laying on the floor as she has just been kidnapped from the stalker. This is conventional to a thriller as the camera angle is on the floor showing a close up of the victim, this shows that the character lying on the floor is a victim. We will zoom out of the victim to show the audience the surrounding of the room. We will first zoom into Dipika's face so the audience thinks that the face is a normal ordinary character who is sleeping, but as the camera zooms out, the audience are shocked to see that the character is actually tied up.
Ending of the thriller opening.

Settings and iconography: The setting for the ending will be in a forest as it is the most suitable setting for us to portray a chase for when the victim runs from the stalker, also this is a good setting for our thriller opening as the stalker will be hidden under trees in most scenes in the forest so this will be conventional to a thriller as the audience will unexpect the stalker coming out unexpectedly.

 Costume, hair and make up: The victim will be wearing white to symbolize her innocence and the villain will be wearing black to connote his mysteriousness and an evil hidden character.

Facial expressions: The victim will be screaming when she see's the stalker walking towards her following her, when she see's this her eyes will open widely as she is scared and terrified and her mouth will drop open speechless.

Overall, i think our groups mise-en-scene is conventional because all five areas have been displayed in our thriller to help keep the audience in suspense. The audience will be able to tell who the antagonist and protagonist is due to the colours they are dressed in and can build a relationship with the victims through their facial expressions. Each code and convention help contribute to the suspense making the film a good thriller. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of planning and this is because you have considered all your mise-en-scene areas. You have also considered the codes and conventions well too.

    Now aim to include still images from your thriller to support the points that you are making above.
