Monday, 15 October 2012

Group Narrative - Miss G

Group narrative (Miss Georgiou)

Group Narrative
Everyone in my group wrote up and individual narrative saying what will happen in each scene what types of character, camera shots, edit etc we could use. We looked at the advantages and disadvantages of each idea and created a narrative to use in our thriller clip. 
The people who are part of my group narrative are : Dipika Sharma, Lauren Vale, and me (Ayesha Ali)
Dipika Sharma
Individual Narrative

My stroyline is about a girl called Aisha that has two bestfriends called Angeline and Louise. They do everything together and they are such a close group of friends. Aisha starts recieving strange text messages from a random number and she keeps it quiet for a while. Soon she decides that she would tell her friend Louise about this stalker. Her friend Louise thinks that Aisha (the girl that gets stalked) is joking and lying about the stalker and doesnt believe her what so ever seeing as Aisha is a top joker and jokes about everything! Soon after Aisha goes missing one day and theres a note on Louises bed saying "Call Aishas phone or she dies"
Louise then tells her friend Angeline, the clever one out of the three about what happend, but she gets angry because they dident tell her in the first place!

The characters in my story are 3 best friends called Angeline Aisha and Louise.
Angeline is the clever one out of the three, she has an answer for everything and she can easily get out of traps and never gets into trouble because she is so clever.
Aisha is the top joker in the group, she jokes about everything and never takes anything seriously. She has no limits to her jokes no matter how extream they are she jokes about it.
Then there is Louise thats blonde and thinks everythings a joke and laughs about everything aswell. Shes always worried about her looks and makeup.

In our thriller movie we will use a number of different settings and locations throughout depending on what is going on in that particular scene. The first scene will be set at night on a roadside in public, with just a girl walking home on her way back from a club. In this opening scene i will try to use codes and convetions of a thriller film and the key feature we will use is low key lighting. We will also use background music to suit whats going on at that moment. So when the girl starts getting chased the music will turn into fast pace music etc. Other settings we will use in our thriller opening is one of the girls bedrooms, a club, a carpark and a forest.

Target Audience
This film will be rated a 15 because it will have sceness of a sexual nature and maybe some use of drugs and voilence.

Codes and Conventions
- Low key lighting
- Shock
- Surprise
- Suspence
- Tention
- Stalking
- Chase
- Background music

An advantage to this is it has loads of good codes and convention like low key lighting from the stated settings. A Disadvantage to this is it would be hard to film the scenes without getting unwanted people in the background or noises the will distracted the viewers.


Lauren Vale
Individual Narrative

My individual idea for our thriller narrative is a teenage girl wakes up and finds herself trapped in an unfamiliar room tied against a chair. The clip then goes into a flashback to reveals what had happened to her and how she ended up in that predicament. The teenage girl goes missing and eventually the best friends notice her out of character behaviour of not turning up to school and not talking to them for a number of days and decide to try and find out what happen to her. Over that period of time all the girls get anonymous texts from someone dropping hints on where she is and gives them tasks that they have to complete. If they did this they would receive another text giving them the next tip to help them find her. If the girls didn't do what the texts said their friend would be killed.

There are going to be number of settings throughout my thriller narrative and the first one will be based in a dark room. The girl wakes up and finds herself tied to a chair and doesn't know how she got there. The audience will be able to realise that she was drugged up by the unknown stalker. In the scene i will used low-key lighting to help conceal the identity of the stalker and prevent the audience for getting a clear view or the surrounding keeping them in suspense. The second settings will be set in a forest. This will highlight to the audience that its hard to escape and that the girls are alone. This is where the stalker will get them to do a task to get the next text. Finally the third settings will be at a park whether the two friend meet to talk about the texts and their missing friend. The park is conventional to the thriller genre because it create a creepy atmosphere for the audience and the audience expect there to be little kids playing there instead of girls being stalked.

Once the girl wakes up she remembers what had happened the previous day and starts to panic. I will use diegetic sounds of the girl screaming and her heavy breathing to create a tense atmosphere. The clip with then going back into a flashback of the three girls walking to school when one of them receives a anonymous text message threatening to kidnap her. The girl dismisses it and continues like normal without telling the other two girls what has been happening. over this scene non-diegetic sound will be played to make the audience suspicious creating a sense of foreboding that something bad is going to happen. The day carries on like normal, they go to school and as soon at the bell goes they meet up to walk home. The two friends wait for the other girl and soon realise that she isn't at school and assume she went home early. I will then show the girl receiving the texts walking home from the stalkers point of view making the audience know she is being followed. I am going to use  specific camera angles such as a low angle and point of view to help hide the identity of the stalker and build suspense.

Middle:In the middle of the narrative there will be two scenes one in the forest and one at a park in their local area. Firstly the two girls arrange to meet up to talk about the texts they have both been receive and about there missing friend. This scene will be shown in a two shot so the audience can see their facial expressions and their body language. This scene will include on-screen sounds such as the swings creaking in the wind or the trees whistling. These conventions will build suspense within the audience.
The second scene is where the friends of the kidnapped girl both receive anonymous texts off of the stalker telling them to go so a certain place and certain time. The diegetic sound of the phones ringing at the same time will be shown through an extreme closed up with shallow focus. This is conventional to the thriller genre building a tense atmosphere. The girls are told to go to a forest which highlights to the audience that its is an isolated location making the generic victims more vulnerable. They complete the task set out in front of them that leads them closer to their friend.
End:In the final part of the thriller narrative the two girls a led to the place where their friend was and struggle to help her untie herself from the ropes. Once they have finish all three of them run towards the door to get out where the stalker reveal his identity and raises a gun a the girls. The cameras zooms in on the iconography prop and this diegetic sound you hear a gun shot. This shock the audience and the camera fades to black.
The target audience for my thriller narrative was a 15 because i may use strong threat and menace unless sadistic. The violence may be strong but i wont dwell on the infliction of pain or injury.

an advantage for this would be that she has used different scenes to connect my event. She could use a variety of conventions such as camera shots, settings and lighting to create suspense, surprise and tension. However a disadvantage would be that it would be hard to find a god location for the scene where the girl wakes up in a dark room like a warehouse to film. This would be ineffective because it wouldn't create the suspense needed.


Ayesha Ali
Individual narrative

There is a group of 5 children, they're all on vacation and they're all having a sleepover round onee of the five children's house.. it's 9 o clock and they decide to play hide and seek.. one of the children go upstairs and hide in the loft in one of the cupboards and he finds a box that was tapped up with allot of layers, so the child decides to open the box, once hes opened the box he finds a book.. he starts reading the book, and the book tells a story about 5 characters that all get treats and good things happen to them. What the boy does not realise is that the book is based on the 5 friends life.. so in the book as one character gets a gift, one of the friends get a gift and so on.. so all five friends eventually have good things going for them, when suddenly theres a twist.. one friend in the book has to die, so all five friends argue within themselves as they are worried to find out which friend dies.

The characters in my story are 5 best friends called, tom, jake, amy, rose and mike. In my story all five friends go to Tom's house for a sleepover. The character who finds the book is Amy, and amy decides to tell her closest friend Rose. In the story, Jake is the very calm, easy going character who takes everything as a joke and is very rarely serious, so in this situation Jake does not really pay much attention until the twist happens. Finally Mike, Mike is the very clever character who looks into everything into detail, he very rarely takes a joke and makes one, once Mike finds out about this book he creates an argument as he wants to tell his parents as this is something serious, but the other characters do not agree.

In the thriller movie we will use many different settings ongoing throughout the movie which all relies on the particular scene. The opening scene will first be set out in the playground of the school where all five friends play together everyday, and that is where all characters decide to have a sleepover round Tom's house. Later the scene will be placed at Tom's house where they play hide and seek and find the book. Many other scenes may be included for e.g: Houses, Park, Cafe or school.

Target audience:
The target audience for this thriller is 15 because many scenes may include a limitless number of violence or blood.

Codes and conventions:
low key lighting
Background music 

An advantage of the narrative is that it has a typical setting in the house which is conventional to the thriller. A disadvantage of this is that in one of the setting it would be hard to not get unwanted noises. An example would be wind or even children that are going to play in the park. Another disadvantage to this narrative would be that it is hard to get five people to act it out.



For our final idea i have used different parts of each of our individual narratives to create a new idea.

Our final idea is going to be a stalker obsessing over a school girl. The characters we will have for our thriller opening will be: The obsessive stalker, the innocent school girl and the innocent school girls friend. The narrative will be based on an unknown stalker capturing the school girl. This will begin by the innocent school girl being trapped in a room, then a flashback will be played to how this has happened. The flashback will include the school girl walking to her friends house to collect some books from her friend, but what she doesn't know is that the stalker is following her, the innocent girl has been getting text messages before but has ignored them as she thought nothing serious of it. Later when the innocent girl is inside her friends house she gets a text saying 'what books are you getting' the innocent girl again thinks nothing of the text and ignores it. Now the innocent girl is walking home but has to go through a forest to get home, the stalker now appears in the scene and the innocent girl hears a twig crack and looks behind her to find a stalker with a black jumper looking directly towards her, the innocent girl runs and hides behind a tree and trys ringing her friend who doesn't pick up, the stalker then appears to jump out behind her and catches her. From here the scene will flashback to the girl trapped in a room. 
There are going to be number of settings throughout our thriller narrative and the first one will be based in a dark room. This is where the victim wakes up and finds herself tied up with rope on the floor. I am going to use low key lighting to hide the surroundings leaving the victim and the audience unaware of the location. This is conventional because the reflection shown from the low key lighting keeps the audience in suspense. Our second setting is going to be in a forest to where the girl is caught by the stalker, we have found this conventional to a thriller as the environment around us will create an effect of being isolated and alone, as the victims are always the ones being left on their own.
The beginning of our narrative is going to start off with the girl waking up in a dark abandoned room with her hands and feet and waist tied up, with duck tape placed on her mouth. She soon realises what had happened and she begins to panic. This is conventional to a thriller as the audience can see the victim struggle to escape, which will build a relationship with the audience as her facial expressions will express pain, this is also conventional as the victim is the one suffering. The scene then goes into a flashback to show the audience what had happened the previous day and how the innocent girl had ended up in that predicament. This is conventional because it starts of with an enigma which is the key feature in a the thriller genre, it leaves the audience questioning what happened which builds suspense because they are waiting to find out who had caught her and why. We are also using low key lighting which is conventional because it hides the settings so the audience are unaware of where they are just like the victim. This is effective because it builds a level of anxiety. The iconography items such as ropes and duck tape highlights that's she is trapped and she has been left abandoned. This convention makes the audience curious and gives them a sense of foreboding that something mysterious is going to happen.


This will begin by the innocent school girl being trapped in a room, then a flashback will be played to how this has happened. The flashback will include the school girl walking to her friends house to collect some books from her friend, but what she doesn't know is that the stalker is following her, the innocent girl has been getting text messages before but has ignored them as she thought nothing serious of it. Later when the innocent girl is inside her friends house she gets a text saying 'what books are you getting' the innocent girl again thinks nothing of the text and ignores it. Now the innocent girl is walking home but has to go through a forest to get home, the stalker now appears in the scene and the innocent girl hears a twig crack and looks behind her to find a stalker with a black jumper looking directly towards her, the innocent girl runs and hides behind a tree and trys ringing her friend who doesn't pick up, the stalker then appears to jump out behind her and catches her. From here the scene will flashback to the girl trapped in a room. 
In the end the stalker manages to grab hold of the innocent girl, the scene now fades to the dark room the where the girl was tied up to reinforce the beginning of the scene.
Target Audience:
The target audience for this thriller is 15 because many scenes may include a limitless number of violence or blood. 

The advantages to this narrative is that we will be having a setting that is mysterious and more conventional to a thriller, also the iconography we have chosen, we believe that this will help us achieve our goal of building a relationship with the audience as to how we have used the iconography.
The disadvantages to our thriller will be the timing for some of our scenes, for example: we will need to film in a forest where the weather won't be too bright and too dark. However, we have decided a filming schedule for this.

Codes and conventions of our thriller narrative:
  • Low key lighting - This will help create shadows of our victim and the villain.
  • Chase - This will build a relationship between the audience and the victim
  • Shadows - Which will be used to represent the inner darkness within beings.
  • Quick Cuts - This will be used in an important/thrilling scene within our opening
  • Changes in camera angles - Will help visualize more than one things happening in a scene.
  • Tension music - This is an important convention for our thriller as it will have the audience feeling tense and curious.
  • Photographs - The photographs used in our thriller opening is conventional to a thriller as the victim is always targeted, and the audience is able to see this through photographs of the victim either hanged or displayed in the villains setting.
  • Flashback - This is a convention of a thriller, it allows the audience to have an insight of our characters past.
  • Stairs - The stairs is a key factor for one of our codes and conventions as it won't show the audience the full identity of the character but will only display the characters feet, from there the audience will be left questioning who the character is.
  • Ropes - This convention will help add to the effect of our opening being a thriller.
  • Knife - This convention will help add to the effect of our opening being a thriller.
  • Match sticks - This convention will help add to the effect of our opening being a thriller.
  • Unknown Setting - We had thought an unknown setting will help to create an enigma within our thriller opening.
  • Hidden identity - As a group, we were attracted to the idea of having a hidden identity as it wouldn't give away the narrative of our thriller opening but at the same time, will keep the audience in their seats.
How is our narrative conventional to a thriller?
I think our group narrative is conventional to a thriller as our plot for this story is a kidnapping plot which includes the kidnapper being a psycho. This is conventional to a thriller as the victims are usually the ones being chased/captures/caught, and also the villains most commonly have a problem for e.g: psycho, mental etc. For our thriller opening we will be having our victim being chased through the forest and eventually gets caught by the stalker who is a obsessive psycho, this reinforces my point of our plot being conventional to a thriller as the victim is chased and our villain is a psycho, to add to our narrative being conventional to a thriller, we have used a character with a hidden identity to help create an enigma within our opening, our setting will also be part of creating an enigma as the audience will be aware that something strange is going to happen as the characters will be in a forest, so the audience will be left in their seats, curious and tense waiting for a sudden incident to occur.


  1. Your group narrative, shows good planing skills within a group and this is because you have considered the different ideas from your group. The advantages and disadvantages that you have listed, also helps to show the some of the discussions that your group had.

    To make this post more detailed, you need to consider the codes and conventions of a thriller and discuss how your group narrative is conventional

  2. Your group narrative now demonstrates good planning skills and this is because you have considered the conventions of a thriller in further detail.
