Monday, 15 October 2012

Individual Narrative - Miss G

Individual Narrative.


There is a group of 5 children, they're all on vacation and they're all having a sleepover round onee of the five children's house.. it's 9 o clock and they decide to play hide and seek.. one of the children go upstairs and hide in the loft in one of the cupboards and he finds a box that was tapped up with allot of layers, so the child decides to open the box, once hes opened the box he finds a book.. he starts reading the book, and the book tells a story about 5 characters that all get treats and good things happen to them. What the boy does not realise is that the book is based on the 5 friends life.. so in the book as one character gets a gift, one of the friends get a gift and so on.. so all five friends eventually have good things going for them, when suddenly theres a twist.. one friend in the book has to die, so all five friends argue within themselves as they are worried to find out which friend dies.


 The characters in my story are 5 best friends called, tom, jake, amy, rose and mike. In my story all five friends go to Tom's house for a sleepover. The character who finds the book is Amy, and amy decides to tell her closest friend Rose. In the story, Jake is the very calm, easy going character who takes everything as a joke and is very rarely serious, so in this situation Jake does not really pay much attention until the twist happens. Finally Mike, Mike is the very clever character who looks into everything into detail, he very rarely takes a joke and makes one, once Mike finds out about this book he creates an argument as he wants to tell his parents as this is something serious, but the other characters do not agree.


In the thriller movie we will use many different settings ongoing throughout the movie which all relies on the particular scene. The opening scene will first be set out in the playground of the school where all five friends play together everyday, and that is where all characters decide to have a sleepover round Tom's house. Later the scene will be placed at Tom's house where they play hide and seek and find the book. Many other scenes may be included for e.g: Houses, Park, Cafe or school.

Target audience:
The target audience for this thriller is 15 because many scenes may include a limitless number of violence or blood. I think the age group i have chosen will watch my film as it would create a stronger relationship between them and the characters compared to the rest of the audience watching the film, the reason to this is because the characters in our opening are around the same age as my target audience, so the audience who are around the age of '15' will ideally imagine themselves in the victims position, hopefully this will aim to scare the audience which is why they wanted to watch my film.

Codes and conventions:

  • Low key lighting - This will help create shadows of our victim and the villain. This will be evidenced in the scene to where Amy will go in the loft to find the book, the light that will be coming through to that scene will only be the light coming from cracks from the ceiling which will create a mysterious vibe within the audience as they will be aware from the lighting that some thing un-ordinary is about to happen.
  • Chase - This will build a relationship between the audience and the victim. The chase will be taking part with Jake and Mike. Mike will be chasing after Jake but Jake will be unaware of who is chasing him, while the audience can see exactly who is chasing him. This reinforces the fact that the chase will build a relationship between the audience and the victim (Jake) as they are in their own world positioning themselves in the victims (Jakes) position hoping he will look behind him to see that Mike is chasing him.
  • Quick Cuts - This will be used in an important/thrilling scene within our opening.
  • Shadows - Which will be used to represent the inner darkness within beings. The true colours arise between the characters when Rose betrays Amy and choses for Amy to die instead of herself. This is shown when Amy dies there is a strong shadow standing next to Amy, this shadow represents to the audience that the character of this shadow is a greedy narrow character.
  • Changes in camera angles - Will help visualize more than one things happening in a scene.
  • Tension music - This is an important convention for our thriller as it will have the audience feeling tense and curious.

How is my narrative conventional to a thriller?

My narrative is conventional to a thriller as my plot is a chain of links that summaries the narrative. This means that my narrative is a mysterious on going story. This is conventional to a thriller movie as most movies have a twist to their movies which i have included. The audience itself will not be expecting my thriller opening to have a twist to the end, this is conventional to a thriller as the enigma will thrill the audience and engage their attention to continue viewing my opening as they will suddenly turn into their own little world trying to link the chains together to solve the mystery. 

Also the main convention of a thriller film is the iconography used. The lighting for our scene in the loft is only light enough to see minute details which add to the suspense as a natural human instinct to find out what isn't known. Large threatening props such as guns, knifes and acid we have used to create a sense of danger and fear. Also the colours i have chosen for the narrative represent the characters emotions. For example Jack always wears red t shirts which symbolises danger and blood in our narrative, While amy always has a blue bow tie which is meant to represent a mystery. 


  1. Your individual narrative shows a good visualisation of your narrative. You have considered the storyline well, but you need to expand on the following:
    1) Target audience- discuss why your age group would watch your film

    2) Codes and conventions- how is your narrative conventional to a thriller?

  2. You have made a start in considering your target audience and conventions of a thriller but you need to provide further evidence to explain how your narrative is conventional.

  3. The comments that you have made on the conventions, help to show further understanding of the conventions of a thriller in more detail.
